COURAGE - The Canvas of Bravery
Courage is the ability to do something that frightens you, to exhibit strength in the face of pain or grief. Taking action, even though you’re afraid, is how you develop courage. I needed the courage to do something different and new in the face of my own fear. I was in a verbally and physically abusive marriage for 20 years and doubted that I could make it on my own, despite the fact that I had worked at a government job for more than two decades. I gathered up my courage and made a decision to leave that relationship, and I never looked back.
It's been proven that the only effective way to deal with fear is to walk through it, through the pain that accompanies doing something you’re afraid to do. It takes courage to fulfill your commitments, courage to stay on track, the courage to follow your dreams, the courage to reach your goals, and courage to walk through your fear.
I’d like to share with you a few of my favorite quotations after each art description:
“Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear - not absence of fear.”
― Mark Twain
"The only courage you ever need is the courage to fulfill the dreams of your own life."
– Oprah

COURAGE - Art on Flat Cards

Courage Women's Rash Guard T-Shirt

Courage Eco Tote Bag

Courage Green

Courage 5

Courage 5 - in Acrylic Blocks

COURAGE Art on Flat Cards

Courage 3 - in Acrylic Blocks

Courage 4 - in Acrylic Blocks

COURAGE 4 - in Acrylic Prints

Courage 1 on Coffee Mug

COURAGE 2 - in Acrylic Prints

COURAGE 1 - in Flat Cards

COURAGE - in Flat Cards

Courage on Coffee Mug

Courage 2 on Coffee Mug

Courage 3 on Coffee Mug

Courage 4 on Coffee Mug

Courage 5 on Coffee Mug

Courage in Framed photo paper poster

Courage 1 in Framed Photo Paper Poster

Courage 2 in Framed Photo Paper Poster

Courage 3 in Framed photo paper poster

Courage 4 in Framed photo paper poster

Courage 5 in Framed photo paper poster

Courage in Photo Paper Poster

Courage 1 in Photo Paper Poster

Courage 2 in Photo Paper Poster

Courage 3 in Photo Paper Poster