TRANSFORMATION - The Alchemy of Change
In this journey of life, we have all experienced our own personal challenges, and through them we have been transformed. The definition of transformation is "a thorough or dramatic change in form or appearance, metamorphosis, evolution." We often don’t see our own transformation until we've gotten to a place in our lives where we can look back, see where we now are and understand how we arrived; sometimes, it requires someone else to remind us how far we've traveled.
I am transforming my life day by day.
What the caterpillar calls the end of the world the master calls a butterfly
I love butterflies and what they represent. This is why I created my Butterfly Art Collection, "Joy in the Journey." The journey encompasses our own personal metamorphosis, the tremendous courage it has taken to step up and do things we’re not comfortable with, and a celebration of our triumphs.
The Butterfly Art Collection - Joy In The Journey speaks to the different ways we each pass through the process called life.
Transformation in Framed Photo Paper Poster

Transformation- in Acrylic Blocks

TRANSFORMATION - in Acrylic Prints

TRANSFORMATION - Art on Flat Cards

Transformation on Coffee Mug

Transformation in Giclee Art Prints